Montag, 6. Juni 2011

400 people = 1 dam / 400 Menschen = 1 Damm

"Based on this figure, the authors estimate that about 16.7 million reservoirs larger than 0.01ha may exist worldwide. The team also found that nearly 50 per cent of large rivers -- that is, those with an average flow of more than 1000m3 per second -- are affected by large dams and reservoirs worldwide" (via ScienceDaily)

Wow, 17 million dams for 7 billion people, that makes one dam for about 400 people each. That is a lot of rivers and creeks not flowing free anymore.

Wow, 17 millionen Dämme für 7 Milliarden Menschen, da kommen auf einen Damm gerade mal 400 Menschen. Das sind verdammt viele Flüsse und Bäche die nicht mehr frei fliessen können.