One of the world's foremost experts on climate change is warning that if humans don't moderate their use of fossil fuels, there is a real possibility that we will face the environmental, societal and economic consequences of climate change faster than we can adapt to them.I don't really understand what he calls for, as clearly "changing our behaviour" is what he demands, but at the same time he says that "societies have done little more than talk" (and that is despite scientists in the past decades have repeatedly warned that "the time to act is now"). That is just what I wrote before - people are trying hard to ignore the situation despite better knowledge. So how can it happen that people "change behaviour" if individuals and societies do not want to change? How is a call for immediate change and action now any different in its efficiency than the ones before?
Lonnie Thompson, distinguished university professor in the School of Earth Sciences at Ohio State [:]
"...the longer we delay, the more unpleasant the adaptations and the greater the suffering will be."
[...] most societies around the world, including the United States and the other largest emitters of greenhouse gases, have done little more than talk about the importance of mitigation," he says.He says that there are currently no technological quick fixes for global warming.
"Our best hope," he says, "is to change our behavior in ways that significantly slow the rate of global warming, [...]" (via Sciencedirect)
Maybe it is like Dr Tim Garrett says, the only way this can happen is by a global collapse in economy within a short period of time (via Ecoshock)
Die Wissenschaftler sind sich einig: die Klimakatastrophe kommt - und rufen wieder einmal dazu auf, daß "wenn wir jetzt entschlossen handeln wir das Schlimmste vermeiden können". (Das kommt allen sicher bekannt vor, denn das ist die Forderung die es schon vor 10, 20, 30, 40 und 50 Jahren gegeben hat - was passiert wenn man nicht danach handelt sieht man ja jetzt). Bei manchen Wissenschaftlern wie Lonnie Thompson schleicht sich aber langsam eine gute Portion Frustration mit ein und er erkennt, daß trotz derartiger Warnungen, "Gesellschaften" keine Anzeichen zeigen, eine Veränderung ernsthaft durchzusetzen. Was also tun? Klar - man schreibt, daß man "jetzt entschlossen handeln muss, um...." - Hahaha - großartiger Zirkelschluss!.
Vielleicht hat doch Atmosphärenforscher Dr Tim Garrett recht - der einzige Weg die Klimakatastrophe rechtzeitig aufzuhalten ist ein möglichst baldiger Kollaps der Weltwirtschaft. (via Ecoshock)