Mittwoch, 22. Juni 2011

Agriculture was a bad idea / Ackerbau war eine schlechte idee

"When populations around the globe started turning to agriculture around 10,000 years ago, regardless of their locations and type of crops, a similar trend occurred: The height and health of the people declined [...]
"Many people have this image of the rise of agriculture and the dawn of modern civilization, and they just assume that a more stable food source makes you healthier," Mummert says. "But early agriculturalists experienced nutritional deficiencies and had a harder time adapting to stress, probably because they became dependent on particular food crops, rather than having a more significantly diverse diet."[...]
"I think it's important to consider what exactly 'good health' means," Mummert says. "The modernization and commercialization of food may be helping us by providing more calories, but those calories may not be good for us. You need calories to grow bones long, but you need rich nutrients to grow bones strong."" (via ScienceDaily)

In this recent review of old and new data, the theory that with the "invention" of agriculture, human health declined and has not returned to its previous state until now (and even then only in parts) is backed up once again. Numerous books and articles have been written on this, one of the most famous ones is Jared Diamonds "The worst mistake in the history of the human race". These were heavily criticized, but recent studies like this one show mounding evidence of this version of the history of agriculture.

Dies ist eine weitere Studie zum Thema Ackerbau und Gesundheit und wie zahlreiche Studien zuvor ist das Ergebnis eindeutig: Mit der "Erfindung" des Ackerbaus litt die Gesundheit der Bauern gravierend. Erst im 20. Jhd wurde zumindest einigen der Mängel entgegengewirkt. In den letzten 20-30 Jahren erschienen zahlreiche Bücher und Artikel zu dem Thema, die allesamt stark kritisiert wurden (z.B. Jared Diamonds "The worst mistake in the history of the human race") , doch in letzter Zeit häufen sich Studien die diese Version der Geschichte des Ackerbaus festigen.