Just months after the biggest oil disaster in American history and the promise of the US government to enforce stronger regulations to protect the environment, 13 companies are now starting to drill again in the treacherous deep sea. Without additinal requirements on safety. How does that come together with the statement that new drilling will require such enhanced measures and more care? Very simple - these companies started these projects before the new regulations have come in effect, so they are excempt from them for these projects: "The government said it was not breaking its promise to require environmental reviews because the 13 companies - which include Chevron USA Inc. and Shell Offshore Inc. - had already started drilling the wells without detailed environmental studies.". Ah well - the GOM is dead already, so why bother with environmental protection, not?
Nur Monate nachdem der Golf von Mexico voll Öl gelaufen ist geht es jetzt weiter mit dem Bohren in der Tiefsee. Und nicht nur das, sondern es heisst auch noch "Die Behörde verzichte darauf, die bereits laufenden Projekte erneut auf ihre Umweltverträglichkeit hin zu prüfen...". Na super - als ob das nicht mit den Verträglichkeitsprüfungen schon keine gute Idee wäre...