"Species have been disappearing from ocean ecosystems and this trend has recently been accelerating,[...]Now we begin to see some of the consequences. For example, if the long-term trend continues, all fish and seafood species are projected to collapse within my lifetime -- by 2048.” Worm is an assistant professor of marine conservation biology at Dalhousie University, in Halifax, Canada.
"At this point[...],29 percent of fish and seafood species have collapsed -- that is their catch has declined by 90 percent. It is a very clear trend, and it is accelerating. We don't have to use models to understand this trend.”
It has been estimated that 90 percent of large predatory fish have already been extracted from our oceans[...] and we currently throw away 40 percent of what we do catch as “unwanted.” What an amazing and horrifying paradox. (via seashepherd.org)
The statement that "90% of the large fish are gone" has made its appearance everywhere, but the truth is even darker, it seems - almost a third of everything humans eat from the sea has been reduced by that number and more depletion is to come. And what do people do in such a situation? Use the fish more wisely, eat fish that comes from stable fisheries that are not overfished? No, they dump half of the fish they catch back into the ocean - dead! What are the thinking. "There are so many fish, we can never catch them to depletion"? Yeah right - and there will always be oil and the atmosphere is too big to be affected by humans. What an odd combination of overestimating and at the same underestimating the role humans play.
"90% der großen Fische sind weggefischt" - diese Aussage taucht zunehmend in den Medien auf, nachdem eine studie dies belegt hat. Aber offenbar ist die Wirklichkeit noch ein wenig düsterer. Es scheint als ob fast ein Drittel aller Lebewesen die Menschen aus dem Ozeanen verspeisen ähnlich geschrumpft ist und die Projektionen für die nächsten Jahrzehnte sehen auch nicht gut aus. Und was machen die großen Fischereifirmen? Vernünftiger fischen? Nur so viel nehmen wie nachwachsen kann? Nein natürlich nicht - man schmeisst sogar die Hälfte der gefangenen Fische weg weil man sie nicht mag. Es gibt ja genug davon. So wie es genug Öl gibt und das bisschen Atommüll in einem so großen Meer ja nicht auffällt. Was für eine verrückte Kombination von Unterschätzung und Überschätzung der Rolle des Menschen auf diesem Planeten!