Samstag, 22. Januar 2011

possible explanaition for mass bird deaths / Erklärung des massiven Vogelsterbens?

Carol Bannerman from USDA Wildlife Services ridiculously claimed the bird kill was also to protect "human health."...
"We're doing it to address, in this case, agricultural damage as well as the potential for human health and safety issues," she said.
"Every winter, there's massive and purposeful kills of these blackbirds," says Greg Butcher, the bird conservation director at the National Audubon Society. "These guys are professionals, and they don't want to advertise their work. They like to work fast, efficiently, and out of sight." ... In addition to the USDA program, a so-called depredation order from the US Fish and Wildlife Service allows blackbirds, grackles, and starlings to be killed by anyone who says they pose health risks or cause economic damage. Though a permit is needed in some instances, the order is largely intended to cut through red tape for farmers, who often employ private contractors to kill the birds and do not need to report their bird culls to any authority. (via naturalnews)

This almost needs no further explanation. Insane! Just to clarify - the USDA poisons millions of birds (see their own bodycount chart) mostly due to economic reasons. And in addition to that, they allow everyone who believes that these birds - among them birds that where part in this whole "massive bird deaths" reports - will cost him money (or reduce his profits) in any way is allowed to kill them! And they don't even have to report this or put their bodycount in the chart above.

Anfang Januar sind doch so viele Vögel gestorben daß die Leute daran gedacht haben, daß die Welt jetzt untergeht. Jetzt kommt mal raus, daß offenbar das Landwirtschaftsministerium jedes Jahr massiv Vögel vergiftet - auf Bitte der Bauern um ihre "wirtschaftlichen Interessen" zu wahren. Dazu gibt es auch eine Tabelle die sie selbst heruasgeben. Außerdem gibt es noch einen Freibrief: Jeder darf bestimmte Vogelarten einfach töten wenn er glaubt, daß sie seinen wirtschaftlichen Interessen entgegenstehen! Die schicken dann sowas wie Kammerjäger raus um Gift auszulegen für die Vögel. Und das müssen sie dann noch nicht mal berichten und es taucht auch nirgendwo in den Zahlen auf...