Montag, 9. Mai 2011

A.I. goes schizophrenia / K.I. wird schizophren

"The neural network used by Grasemann and his adviser, Professor Risto Miikkulainen, is called DISCERN. Designed by Miikkulainen, DISCERN is able to learn natural language. In this study it was used to simulate what happens to language as the result of eight different types of neurological dysfunction." (via scienceblog)

So scientists finally manage to create artificial intelligence of some sorts, at least a neural network that can learn language - and what do they do with it? They let it go insane. I get some slight recall of "Hal 9000" and "Skynet". It seems it took only rather slight changes to create schizophrenia, a condition related to paranoia. So creating artificial intelligent neural networks to control industrial processes or military applications - probably a great idea if they can actually become paranoid schizophreniacs...

Also da schafft man es nach Jahren neurale Netzwerke zu erzeugen, also Vorstufen der künstlichen Intelligenz und was macht man? Man lässt sie absichtlich verrückt werden. Genauer gesagt durch nur geringe Änderungen am Prozess wurden die Netzwerke schizophren. Was kommt als nächstes? Paranoide Schizophrenie? Da muss ich irgendwie an "Hal 9000" und "Skynet" denken....