"from TEPCO's press conference on May 12...regarding the water level in the Containment Vessel of the Reactor 1:
"We are assuming most of the water escaped the Containment Vessel into the surrounding reactor building. However, there is no water in the northwest corner of the basement of the reactor building, as far as we can see by the camera. We don't know where the water has gone. Possibly, it may have gone to the reactor building, the turbine building, or the waste disposal facility. ...
The water may be escaping from the bottom of the Containment Vessel or the RPV, but we haven't identified the location."" (via ex-skf)
"TEPCO vermutet, dass das in den RDB eingespeiste Wasser über eine Leckage aus dem RDB fließt und dadurch der Füllstand nicht die Kernunterkante erreicht.....
Die Einspeisemenge in den RDB soll erhöht werden. Nach Presseangaben erklärte NISA, falls die gemessenen Daten richtig seien, wäre der Kernbrennstoff geschmolzen und befände sich auf dem Boden des RDB." (via grs 12.5.2011, 12:30)
"Ah - some hundred tons of radioactive water - small things like that are easily lost, right? But we will of course not say that the core has molten though the reactor vessel and containment and that all the water we pour on top of the mess is going straight through the whole thing and into the groundwater..."
(rough translation of the german part: TEPCO assumes that the water level does not reach the fuel rods. NISA concludes that the rods have molten and collected at the bottom of the vessel)
(rough translation of the german part: TEPCO assumes that the water level does not reach the fuel rods. NISA concludes that the rods have molten and collected at the bottom of the vessel)
Ach was sind schon ein paar hundert Kubikmeter radioaktives Wasser. Das kann man schon mal irgendwo verlegen auf dem großen Gelände. Aber wir sagen jetzt mal lieber nicht, daß vielleicht einfach die Kernschmelze sich durch den Druckbehälter und Sicherheitsbehälter geschmolzen hat und das ganze Wasser was wir oben reinkippen unten einfach ins Grundwasser läuft..."