Dienstag, 10. Mai 2011

Fracking methane news / Neues zu Methanausgasung bei "fracking"

"maximum methane concentrations in drinking-water wells increased with proximity to the nearest [hydrofracking] gas well and were 19.2 and 64 mg CH4 L-1 (n = 26), a potential explosion hazard; in contrast, dissolved methane samples in neighboring nonextraction sites (no gas wells within 1 km) within similar geologic formations and hydrogeologic regimes averaged only 1.1 mg L-1 (P < 0.05; n = 34)
greater stewardship, data, and—possibly—regulation are needed to ensure the sustainable future of shale-gas extraction
" (via PNAS and ScienceDaily)

Just serves as a reminder that fracking for gas is not a good idea. Nothing new, but good that this is confirmed and peer reviewed now. Oh and its of course not just the explosion risk (or burning tap water as in the movie "Gasland") but also that methane is a much mor powerful greenhouse gas than CO2 - and certainly that methane will not stay in the groundwater or rivers for long...
But yeah - they seriously used the word "sustainable" in context with shale-gas extraction - what a misuse of that word.

Fein. Endlich gibt es das schwarz auf weiss und peer reviewed daß "fracking" so viel Methan ins Grundwasser ausgasen lässt, daß es (unter bestimmten Bedingungen) sogar explosionsgefahr gibt. Das erklärt dann auch die brennenden Wasserhähne im film "Gasland". Oh und natürlich ist Methan nicht nur brennbar sondern auch ein Treibhausgas das viele male stärker ist als CO2 - und das Gas bleibt sicher nicht lange im Wasser...
Oh und sehr lustig - "sustainable/nachhaltige" Nutzung von Ölschiefergasförderung. Daß ich nicht lache....